Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Users make Stats and Stats are Real!

The reason that advertisers and clients refer to us as "users" is simple really: its easier. 

Lets face it - its a lot harder to communicate with people then it is to talk with targets, segments, demographics and genders. The marketing industry has long suffered from the same fundamental issue as the education industry , and that's the inability to individualize communication. 

In education, individualized educational plans are a nice fantasy, but not grounded in the 'real world". Why? 
You guessed it: its easier. 

Whoa! Jason! Are you saying that everyone is LAZY? 

Not lazy.
Just not motivated enough to get it right. 
More specifically: we're motivated by numbers - not people.

Advertisers care about profit. money. expenditures. media budgets. sales. fans. ratings. Numbers.
Clients care about profit. money. expenditures. media budgets. sales. fans. ratings. Numbers.

What do people really care about?

Finding purpose.

Finding love.



Challenging ourselves.

Finding ourselves.




YES! we care about money. price. budget - etc. But that's not what drives us. That's not what makes us buy stuff.

Advertising and Client know this of course. That where the manipulation game begins! But really, the game is over - or it least, its changing right before our eyes.

The days of seeing people as users is over, and you can thank the internet for that.
We're tired of being told what to feel.
We're know more about your product than you do.
We may play along with your games and toy around with the stuff you make for us, but that doesn't mean we care.
Your stats may show "engagement' - but that doesn't mean we're engaged.
Your sales may be increasing - but that's not necessarily because your commercial is funny.

Some companies get this. Digital agencies get this. But some are getting lost in the stats again. 

Analytics. CTR. Page Views. OY! Here we go again ... 

If you've got examples of agencies & client that "get it" - I'd love to know and chat about that ... 


  1. Hey Jason,
    Great post.
    For a good example see Zappos.
    Or better yet, read Tony Hsieh's book "Delivering Happiness" (CEO of Zappos).

    He really gets it.

    nice work,
    eric z ;)

    p.s. small typo in your profile "a maseter's degree" just letting you know!

  2. Hey EZ,

    Zappos is nice - but a little overwhelming, no?
